Thursday, December 30, 2010
Worth Quoting
"Victories in life come through our ability to work around and over the obstacles that cross our path. We grow stronger as we climb our own mountains."
---Marvin Ashton
A friend sent me this quote today and I loved it. No real specific or particular obstacle that I face but I just love the image of even an obstacle as a large as a mountain being able to be climbed.
It reminds me to never allow the present situation to grow so large as to drown it or allow it to swallow me.
This week at work we had discussed the fact that a number of our sweet clients have past away this year. I am certain they were all stressed beyond belief and fearful over their situations. I am not suggesting that they passed away because of stress but I sat accross from these individuals over the last year. I heard their pain, I saw their tears, I hugged them, I listened to them and yet I never thought their last days would end having to spend a minute worrying about the mattes they felt confident in my ability, the ability of boss or co-workers.
I wonder if they ever just stopped and thought of their current struggles as an obstacle that could be climbed. A messy situation but one that some solution could be made.
Just reminds me that every person has their own obstacle to face. Yet, hopefully when I see someone trying to conquer their's, I will simply suggest they quit trying to remove it and just climb right over it!
Monday, December 27, 2010
Santa ....
We spent the last month of Kagan dropping hints about an ipad. He simply said, I would love to get one but if I can't I am fine with that also.
A few days before Christmas we were out shopping at the mall and talking over Kagan's "Santa list". He listed out the stuff he wanted once again (and a little annoyed that I had asked again for the 100 time!). Then he pauses and said honestly that he would love to get an ipad but really if he could not get it and see everyone else get what they wanted he would be willing to let SANTA not get his ipad.
I can not explain the simple tone of his voice, the sincerity or the compassion he was displaying with his gesture. Sure he would like to get an ipad but he understood if wasn't going to happen.
I am pretty sure that there is no other kid that deserves a gift more than a child who is willing to give theirs away to see others get their wish. I take no credit for this attribute of Kagan because I sometimes forget this trait for myself. He is just a wise young man who is becoming an amazing man! I am proud of him every day but sometimes his gentle willingess to give touches the depths of my soul.
Suprisingly, or maybe not, Kagan was given and ipad by Santa. Pretty sure Santa knew that fulfilling a wish for Kagan would be rewarding.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Where is the little girl?
I was looking at old photos at my parent's house and could not help but think "Where is this little girl?" So young and so determined. (okay, so determined might have also been called hard headed but I will use the word determined?)
This little girl has spent a number of years learning lessons that have made her who she is today. She has a learned:
- a broken heart is worth the pain if was broken over something that should have never been.
- Even though she never worried about money, she did have to learn that money did not grow on trees.
- That true friends are rare and when you have one you never let it go.
- That children are the most precious gift God could give.
- That always doing the right thing may make you get runover but it is better the feeling of knowing you were doing the wrong thing.
- Learning lessons are hard but sometimes God does his best work when your learning them.
- That no one can stand behind you, up for you or beside you like your Momma and Daddy.
- That the love of a good man gives security, warmth, and fills your heart.
- That some people will never value you like they should but you can be proud of yourself for being valuable.
- That somethings take longer to achieve than you would think.
- That nothing will bring peace like God's word.
- That nothing is impossible but God may not grant them permissible.
- That memories are the sweetest treasure God allowed us to have.
- That if your husband brings home a coke can, wrapped in electrical tape, with flowers (weeds) you should be thankful!
- That some people will believe in you and give you opprotunities of a lifetime.
So many thigs are different than this little girl thought but if truth were to be told - she wouldn't change a thing if it placed here right where she is the exact moment...
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