Sunday, January 30, 2011

Thru the Bible - Exodus

Several weeks have passed by and we are to the end of January and already done with the book of Exodus. The time is flying by. The three chapters a day, the rich discussion in my home and with my church family is making this journey very exciting for me.

So, what impacted me about the book of Exodus was the detail God gave his people. I think of a child learning to bake cookies. The flour gets every where, the cookies have egg shells in the them and there are many finger prints on everything. It would be easier to just NOT allow the kids to bake; but they would miss the effort and how much sweeter the finished product is when they have participated. Since God could have willed any event to happen, how precious that he gives us the chance to roll up our sleeves and participate in His plan. How even more impressive that he is teaching foundational lessons to His people so that they would understand the life and death of Jesus Christ generations later.

The plagues. I have to admit I had a little bit of a difficult time with the plagues. I finally came to reconcile my understanding of God's plan by trusting that God had a purpose. For the first time, my study led me to understand that the plagues had a direct correlation with Egyptian gods that God was showing Himself to be mightier than them to the people. He was proving his majesty before their eyes. I just struggle with the fact that so many awkard things had to happen.

I don't understand how the people where able to "create" some of the same things with their magicians. This made me even more afraid of these types of events.

I questioned why there would be locust in Revelations if God said that there would never be a plague of them again. Kelly was really helpful in looking up the answer to me on this one.

I was convicted with why I did not keep the Sabbath holy any longer. John explained one time the difference between why the Jewish worship on Saturday and us on Sunday. I am not sure where I stand on this particular issue right now with regards to housework, cooking, cleaning and etc. It is listed as a lasting convenant but no one seems to make that big of a deal of it.

Loved looking at the fact that so many of our laws are based upon biblical principals. Exodus is a great example of the American judicial system in the simplest of forms.

I loved the verse that talked about the fact that Moses face was radiant because he spoke to the Lord. I would have loved to have heard their conversations.

My favorite verse was Exodus 14: 14 "The Lord will fight for you; you only need to be still".

Now, on the Leviticus.....

Challenge One - Question 30

"What is the most important new item you want to buy this year?"

I have already answered this question and the answer is a HOME!