Saturday, February 19, 2011

Thru the Bible....Numbers

We just finished the Book of Numbers and I am enjoying this journey so much. This year has been such a blessing of really "digging in" and finding new treasures from God's word.

Everyone talks about the beauty of the Mona Lisa, which is really quite ordinary if you think about it. A simple portrait done by an amazing artist who found a way to create a timeless piece of art. The "life" of her ability to follow people with her eyes as she moves is an oddity, to say the least. Yet, it was with precision, passion, talent, form, and artistic ability that da Vinci was able to create this piece of work even though he considered it unfinished.

To me, the book of Numbers was the same as the Mona Lisa in a few ways. It also is a timeless word portrait of a living society. It was an artistic expression of our Creators plan for eventual salvation. The record of millions of people living and awaiting God's instruction to reach a Promise Land. It is a beautiful strategic plan for God's army of which I am descendant of. Yet, unlike daVinci, God knew his work of creation would not be unfinished but reach completion.

- As one loving genealogies, I have to admit it makes me a little curious as to which one of the "tribes", I was a descendant of. Not that it matters, but wouldn't it be interesting to know?

- I found Numbers reminding me of a special bond and care that God had for women. Some things seem so unfair and so judgmental against women but really God set up a plan for man to care for his wife. He also set up a plan to have care for widows, for husbandless daughters and young women. An authority not to oppress us but to support us. That was really encouraging to me, even with the somewhat questionable liberties of males during this time.

- I loved the blessing of the Priest. I love the image of Lord's face shining upon me or those I ask for him to bless. I should spend more time asking for God's grace, blessing and favor be upon those I love and care for. How much better would my world be if those I surrounded myself with were shining with the glory of God?

- I wonder if there is a significance to a man retiring at the age of 50? At this time, people were living to be around 100 or 120. God determined for them to work half their life but to be able to rest in their older years. Our society has this so wrong. We don't have provisions that are easily obtainable to work hard and then retire at this age and allow ourselves years to just be "helpers".

- Moses seemed to be confident in his relationship with God to be so bold. I love that Moses was able to honestly express his hardship and express why the burden he was carrying was too heavy and God immediately granted him a solution. God never intends for us to carry more than we can, but I guess this just reminded me that sometimes He expects us to ask for help.

Before Kaleb's dad disappeared he highlighted a verse in a bible for Kaleb. Since Kaleb's childhood's friend was named Joshua, he marked where Caleb and Joshua would be the men that entered into the promise land. I wish Kaleb would have had a the chance to see his father live out a faithful Christian life but that was not the case. However, I see this gesture just a simple glimpse of God's provision that my Kaleb would one day see the Promise Land. Kaleb's father, no matter what others say, did lay one foundation of a promise for his son in God's word and I think God honored that suggestion in making my Kaleb an amazing man! "But because my servant Caleb has a different spirit and follows me wholeheartedly, I will bring him into the land he went to and his descendants will inherit it".

How true, that my Kaleb also, has a different spirit that I am sure that God is pleased with.

- Even though Moses was told he would never enter into the Promise Land, I think he knew his real Promise Land was elsewhere. Why would he care to get there when he could get to heaven with God? He did not give up but seemed to continue to plan of God without complaining but with purpose.

- I don't understand why God had Moses make a snake. I know it later becomes an idol and it just seems like it gave something made of medal a symbol of power.

- I think the story of talking donkey is funny. Sometimes I guess God's sense of humor is so appropriate. With us calling the donkey a stubborn animal and donkey (or the other name for donkey) being a connotation of being difficult, it is quite comical that a donkey's voice was use to correct Balaam being difficult.

- The verse where it recaps the Israelites journey and states that they marched out BOLDLY in FULL VIEW of the Egyptians was a treasure to me. When God determines that his people (or me) has a purpose and is receiving a blessing from Him he will allow us to march out BOLDLY in front our enemy!

- Of all the things I struggled with in this chapter, really the amount of bloodshed still bothers me. I know God has purpose but it still seems so violent. I see God wiping away people with a blink of his eye but when he used man to do, it just impacts me to think why he wants man to do this?