Monday, January 10, 2011

Mixed Feelings

I am having some mixed feelings about several things right now. I can't even verbalize what they are and they may be likely insignificant but I can not not help but want to figure out why I am having mixed feelings about these things!

It likely all comes from my obsessive need for affirmation. It is clearly my love language and how I relate to things. When there is a defined answer, I can usually accept the good or the bad. It is when I do not feel that the "affirmed feeling" that I get ansy (and annoying to those who attempt to affirm these feelings - AKA Kaleb)!

Hoping my feeling of being annoyed and irritated is short lived and that the mixed feelings fade away fast.

CHALLENGE ONE - Question 10

"What single thing that you plan to do this year will matter most in ten years? In eternity?"

I have been pondering this question a lot. I have goals, I have plans; but to answer what will matter most is harder. When you view your goals while judging their long term importance then they are altered somewhat.

In ten years, I think that thing that will matter most will be if my relationship with my kids has grown deeper. I have been their mommy and taken care of them when they were young. I have hugged away boo-boos, kissed a sad face and cheered like a out-of-control football fan at a touchdown when my kids conquered simple first in their life. Now, I am TRYING to teach them responsibility, hard work, self worth and character. To me, this stage has been far harder. You go from being mommy to MOOOOOOMMMMM!

In 10 years, my kids lives will be so different. They will have made it to college, found love, likely lost love, and began to set the path towards their own future. For me, if I can make them understand during these "learning years" how much I adore them, believe in them and love them - that will matter most. (Tears are filling up in my eyes thinking that ten years is really not that far away and there are some really big things coming up in that short amount of time!)

For eternity, I guess that nothing will matter more than helping set a foundation of faith for my children, my grandchildren and great-grandchildren. All the success in the world, all the personal accomplishments will not matter if the legacy of faith is not passed down from my generation. To me, that will matter most for eternity.