Sunday, March 6, 2011

Great Books....Great Reviews

This past week (and weeks for one book), I have read several amazing books. They are books that have definately impacted my life and I know the words echoed in my thoughts will not cease anytime soon.

First, Amanda (Beth Moore's daughter) had a great review of a book that I decided to read. The book is now on my Top 10 books of all times. I highlighted a numerous amount of quotes from the book that I will definately be using in the future. The name of the book is Finding God's Will: Seek Him, Know Him, Take the Next Step, by Gregg Matte.

I can honestly say that this book is packed full of wisdom and the message is so timely at this pivotal time in my life. It is inspiring, endearing, honest and absolutely an absolute joy to read.

P.S. - I read it the kindle version for the ipad and iphone. I will be getting me a new ipad2 when they come out!

Next, I read Shelia Walsh's book called The Shelter of God's Promises. It was again packed full of wonderful examples of the promises that God has given each of us. I love it soooooo much!

Our Sunday School class is reading The Grace of God by Andy Stanley. We are reading one chapter at a time and it has been hard to stop and not finish the rest the book when the chapeter for the week ends. On top of the wonderful word illustrations from Andy Stanley, there has been such rich discussion. In Sunday School and at home with Kaleb, some of the greatest truths of God's word have been poured over with a new light.

Lastly, as many know we are reading daily the bible. Each one of these books above have impacted me more thanks to the study of God's word. A new meaning (or understanding) has allowed me to dig deeper and find precious truths that I can cling to.

30 Day Photo Challenge - Day 3

A picture of the cast of your favorite show

I LOVE Scrubs! I watch an episode (or a few) every single night before bed.