Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine - For My Daughter

Actually, this is for anyone that wonders if their Valentine will ever come. Is there really a prince charming? Is the idea of a fairytale nothing more than a good story?

Well, as I watched Kenadee write out her Valentine's for her classmates last night I was thinking of all the wonderful things that will come in her life. I also thought of how many times her heart might break BEFORE she finds her own true love. So this, my sweet baby girl, is for you:

NEVER settle for a man that does not treat you like you are his EVERYTHING! No amount of diamonds, roses, or chocolates will ever amount to the worth of a man who treats you like his princess.

A man worthy of being your Valentine, will treat you with respect, with care and most of all with a deep appreciation of who you are.

I have been in places where Valentine's Day was a day of butterflies in your tummy wondering if your "boyfriend" would bring you a special Valentine or send you a candy gram at school. I have been an adult and felt the same way, wondering not if I would get a gift but if someone would acknowlege me as their Valentine. I have also been madly in love with your Daddy and been treated the way I hope you will want to be treated. Settle for NOTHING less than someone who will cherish you,my baby girl.

Today, you saw your daddy make me dinner. Clean up the house. Shower me with beautiful roses, write a special card to me and bring me my favorite cookies. Yet, what you did not realize was that the most valuable thing was the sweet kiss he gave me and the hug that said "You will always be my Valentine".

Remember, the roses are beautiful but they will die.

The words in a card will last as a great memory but should be said more than once a year.

The sweetest cookie will fill your tummy but not your heart...

Wait...Take your time and your Valentine will come! God has someone chosen just FOR YOU! He will be your forever Valentine, like your Daddy is mine. A prince charming with whom you can live happily ever after with.