Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Re-define Reality

I have been saying what I am doing this past few weeks is changing what I don't like about myself or sitautions that I have found myself in. Change is not always easy but it is typically worth the wait, investment or hard work. Right?

I have now decided that I am not going to change. I am going to re-define my reality. My life is mine to live and the perception of how I view my life and myself is actually my own reality.

First redefining was several physical appearance issues. Not what others might think I need changed but the changes I want to see when I look in a mirror. A very dear friend of mine, Heather, actually told me several months ago to wake up everyday and look for the me that I want to see and stop seeing the me I am hiding from. Very wise and very heartfelt. She actually was telling me to re-define my reality without saying it in that way.

Second, I have a few goals for my life that I want to realized. I have studied in depth this subject but it is like most things in life, it is easier to tell someone else to do it than to do it yourself. I have marked them down and given myself 3 years to complete everyone of them. They are all possible and the only thing hindering their success is myself. I will not be a barrier to my own success.

Third, I am going to make sure my family is seated first in everything I do! As a wife and mom, their success is my passion and focus.

Just simple steps to the reality that I know in my heart becoming the reality in my life.