Saturday, April 17, 2010

Much more than a job....

God has allowed me to have a wonderful job that I love. I get to work under two wonderful people, Darrin and Heather, who allow me to be me in the workplace. Why do I love it? Well, mainly because I get the have daily interaction with people who are stressed out and hopeless. It is not that I like that they are in this situation, but I get to share love with them in such simple ways.

I have a small little plaque on my desk that says "Believe, With God All Things Are Possible". From the moment people sit in front of my desk I see them glance at it. For some, it is as they reach for kleenex. For others,it is as they are cursing about their situation and it is a gentle reminder to not take it out on me.

I know God has put me RIGHT where I am so that I can hopefuly show people a little kindness and love when they are in my office. From praying for clients, from just being there -- it is a privledge to show Christian love in a business setting.

I pray that God always help me to shed His love and NEVER take the credit for myself. May they feel His love that moment and forever.