Monday, December 27, 2010

Santa ....

We spent the last month of Kagan dropping hints about an ipad. He simply said, I would love to get one but if I can't I am fine with that also.

A few days before Christmas we were out shopping at the mall and talking over Kagan's "Santa list". He listed out the stuff he wanted once again (and a little annoyed that I had asked again for the 100 time!). Then he pauses and said honestly that he would love to get an ipad but really if he could not get it and see everyone else get what they wanted he would be willing to let SANTA not get his ipad.

I can not explain the simple tone of his voice, the sincerity or the compassion he was displaying with his gesture. Sure he would like to get an ipad but he understood if wasn't going to happen.

I am pretty sure that there is no other kid that deserves a gift more than a child who is willing to give theirs away to see others get their wish. I take no credit for this attribute of Kagan because I sometimes forget this trait for myself. He is just a wise young man who is becoming an amazing man! I am proud of him every day but sometimes his gentle willingess to give touches the depths of my soul.

Suprisingly, or maybe not, Kagan was given and ipad by Santa. Pretty sure Santa knew that fulfilling a wish for Kagan would be rewarding.