Sunday, January 23, 2011

Challenge One - Question 23

"In what area of your life do you most need growth, and what will you do about it this year?"

I want to grow in my maturity with regards to people.

I have a REALLY hard time with being "WARM". When it comes to people, I either like or do not like a person. I can't seem to find the middle ground of just letting them be.


I guess I just feel like I don't want to fake it. I either want to go 100% in a relationship or just forget the relationship (and person) all together. I don't want to waste any moment of my life getting to know someone or understanding them to see if the friendship (or basic relationship of any kind) can be turned into something. (Not very Christian, I know)

It is not fair of me and I am sure that I have missed the blessings of a relationship because of it many times. I also could have saved myself some disppointment by backing off from a friend that I chose to go 100% for at the wrong time.

So, I am hoping this year as I evaluate the relationships in my life I can have more maturity about the situations I have with people. I can understand that while someone (personal, family, business or even a checker at the grocery store) may not be a fixture in my life - they are a part of it. If just one minute, one hour, one week or forever - I want to learn to accept their existence and embrace the value that it brings.