Thursday, February 10, 2011

Leviticus - Read Thru The Bible In A Year!

Well, I am few days late in posting; but really wanted to post what the book of Leviticus taught me this past few weeks. I think it is a book that I have ALWAYS read thru very quickly and skimming over. It was nice to break it down and really think it thru (well most parts).

First, my number one impression of Leviticus was that there were obviously as many idiots back then as there are today. Seriously, some things should not have to be said and should be common sense.

I am VERY thankful that we are not obligated to offer "sin offerings, fellowship offerings or grain offerings". God destined us all to live in the appointed time we live and I am pretty sure He knew this would not have worked for me. So much killing, so much blood ..... Yuck!

I understood more about why other religions practice what they do. Since I am still struggling on what MY responsibilies from old testament law are I will continue to pray this out.

Loved that God chose to put that being BALD was okay! So funny....

Was glad to learn that a sin offering for having children was not for "having children" as I had always thought. Without understanding the types of offerings I had always been perplexed by that verse.

I loved that God took the time to address the smallest of concerns. How much he does care for his people? It touches my heart to feel His love when reading his provisions for His people.

I was reminded that the world is still dealing with the same sins today that they were post Exodus. They human race just can't do it right without God. The destruction people will put upon themselves is unbelievable.

I am still wondering how sin was covered without Jesus. It was such a flawed system without the blood of Christ and the grace of God. I know God is not flawed but I am thankful. Just really sad again to know that it was not an animal that shed blood for me but Jesus. Very humbling...

My favorite verse this book was "Rise in the presence of the aged, show respect for the elderly and revere your God, I am the Lord". It is nice to be reminded how very important God thought of the elderly. I am blessed with some of the most awesome "young-elderly" in the world and I want to respect that.

Numbers is under way.....