Saturday, February 19, 2011

Thru the Bible....Numbers

We just finished the Book of Numbers and I am enjoying this journey so much. This year has been such a blessing of really "digging in" and finding new treasures from God's word.

Everyone talks about the beauty of the Mona Lisa, which is really quite ordinary if you think about it. A simple portrait done by an amazing artist who found a way to create a timeless piece of art. The "life" of her ability to follow people with her eyes as she moves is an oddity, to say the least. Yet, it was with precision, passion, talent, form, and artistic ability that da Vinci was able to create this piece of work even though he considered it unfinished.

To me, the book of Numbers was the same as the Mona Lisa in a few ways. It also is a timeless word portrait of a living society. It was an artistic expression of our Creators plan for eventual salvation. The record of millions of people living and awaiting God's instruction to reach a Promise Land. It is a beautiful strategic plan for God's army of which I am descendant of. Yet, unlike daVinci, God knew his work of creation would not be unfinished but reach completion.

- As one loving genealogies, I have to admit it makes me a little curious as to which one of the "tribes", I was a descendant of. Not that it matters, but wouldn't it be interesting to know?

- I found Numbers reminding me of a special bond and care that God had for women. Some things seem so unfair and so judgmental against women but really God set up a plan for man to care for his wife. He also set up a plan to have care for widows, for husbandless daughters and young women. An authority not to oppress us but to support us. That was really encouraging to me, even with the somewhat questionable liberties of males during this time.

- I loved the blessing of the Priest. I love the image of Lord's face shining upon me or those I ask for him to bless. I should spend more time asking for God's grace, blessing and favor be upon those I love and care for. How much better would my world be if those I surrounded myself with were shining with the glory of God?

- I wonder if there is a significance to a man retiring at the age of 50? At this time, people were living to be around 100 or 120. God determined for them to work half their life but to be able to rest in their older years. Our society has this so wrong. We don't have provisions that are easily obtainable to work hard and then retire at this age and allow ourselves years to just be "helpers".

- Moses seemed to be confident in his relationship with God to be so bold. I love that Moses was able to honestly express his hardship and express why the burden he was carrying was too heavy and God immediately granted him a solution. God never intends for us to carry more than we can, but I guess this just reminded me that sometimes He expects us to ask for help.

Before Kaleb's dad disappeared he highlighted a verse in a bible for Kaleb. Since Kaleb's childhood's friend was named Joshua, he marked where Caleb and Joshua would be the men that entered into the promise land. I wish Kaleb would have had a the chance to see his father live out a faithful Christian life but that was not the case. However, I see this gesture just a simple glimpse of God's provision that my Kaleb would one day see the Promise Land. Kaleb's father, no matter what others say, did lay one foundation of a promise for his son in God's word and I think God honored that suggestion in making my Kaleb an amazing man! "But because my servant Caleb has a different spirit and follows me wholeheartedly, I will bring him into the land he went to and his descendants will inherit it".

How true, that my Kaleb also, has a different spirit that I am sure that God is pleased with.

- Even though Moses was told he would never enter into the Promise Land, I think he knew his real Promise Land was elsewhere. Why would he care to get there when he could get to heaven with God? He did not give up but seemed to continue to plan of God without complaining but with purpose.

- I don't understand why God had Moses make a snake. I know it later becomes an idol and it just seems like it gave something made of medal a symbol of power.

- I think the story of talking donkey is funny. Sometimes I guess God's sense of humor is so appropriate. With us calling the donkey a stubborn animal and donkey (or the other name for donkey) being a connotation of being difficult, it is quite comical that a donkey's voice was use to correct Balaam being difficult.

- The verse where it recaps the Israelites journey and states that they marched out BOLDLY in FULL VIEW of the Egyptians was a treasure to me. When God determines that his people (or me) has a purpose and is receiving a blessing from Him he will allow us to march out BOLDLY in front our enemy!

- Of all the things I struggled with in this chapter, really the amount of bloodshed still bothers me. I know God has purpose but it still seems so violent. I see God wiping away people with a blink of his eye but when he used man to do, it just impacts me to think why he wants man to do this?

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine - For My Daughter

Actually, this is for anyone that wonders if their Valentine will ever come. Is there really a prince charming? Is the idea of a fairytale nothing more than a good story?

Well, as I watched Kenadee write out her Valentine's for her classmates last night I was thinking of all the wonderful things that will come in her life. I also thought of how many times her heart might break BEFORE she finds her own true love. So this, my sweet baby girl, is for you:

NEVER settle for a man that does not treat you like you are his EVERYTHING! No amount of diamonds, roses, or chocolates will ever amount to the worth of a man who treats you like his princess.

A man worthy of being your Valentine, will treat you with respect, with care and most of all with a deep appreciation of who you are.

I have been in places where Valentine's Day was a day of butterflies in your tummy wondering if your "boyfriend" would bring you a special Valentine or send you a candy gram at school. I have been an adult and felt the same way, wondering not if I would get a gift but if someone would acknowlege me as their Valentine. I have also been madly in love with your Daddy and been treated the way I hope you will want to be treated. Settle for NOTHING less than someone who will cherish you,my baby girl.

Today, you saw your daddy make me dinner. Clean up the house. Shower me with beautiful roses, write a special card to me and bring me my favorite cookies. Yet, what you did not realize was that the most valuable thing was the sweet kiss he gave me and the hug that said "You will always be my Valentine".

Remember, the roses are beautiful but they will die.

The words in a card will last as a great memory but should be said more than once a year.

The sweetest cookie will fill your tummy but not your heart...

Wait...Take your time and your Valentine will come! God has someone chosen just FOR YOU! He will be your forever Valentine, like your Daddy is mine. A prince charming with whom you can live happily ever after with.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Leviticus - Read Thru The Bible In A Year!

Well, I am few days late in posting; but really wanted to post what the book of Leviticus taught me this past few weeks. I think it is a book that I have ALWAYS read thru very quickly and skimming over. It was nice to break it down and really think it thru (well most parts).

First, my number one impression of Leviticus was that there were obviously as many idiots back then as there are today. Seriously, some things should not have to be said and should be common sense.

I am VERY thankful that we are not obligated to offer "sin offerings, fellowship offerings or grain offerings". God destined us all to live in the appointed time we live and I am pretty sure He knew this would not have worked for me. So much killing, so much blood ..... Yuck!

I understood more about why other religions practice what they do. Since I am still struggling on what MY responsibilies from old testament law are I will continue to pray this out.

Loved that God chose to put that being BALD was okay! So funny....

Was glad to learn that a sin offering for having children was not for "having children" as I had always thought. Without understanding the types of offerings I had always been perplexed by that verse.

I loved that God took the time to address the smallest of concerns. How much he does care for his people? It touches my heart to feel His love when reading his provisions for His people.

I was reminded that the world is still dealing with the same sins today that they were post Exodus. They human race just can't do it right without God. The destruction people will put upon themselves is unbelievable.

I am still wondering how sin was covered without Jesus. It was such a flawed system without the blood of Christ and the grace of God. I know God is not flawed but I am thankful. Just really sad again to know that it was not an animal that shed blood for me but Jesus. Very humbling...

My favorite verse this book was "Rise in the presence of the aged, show respect for the elderly and revere your God, I am the Lord". It is nice to be reminded how very important God thought of the elderly. I am blessed with some of the most awesome "young-elderly" in the world and I want to respect that.

Numbers is under way.....

Friday, February 4, 2011

Night of Intimacy

I just love CWF. I know with all my heart that when I moved to Florida and away from my family - God gave me the ladies of CWF. The ladies who I admire their motherly love and the friends who I laugh with like a sister.

Last night, we had Shanon Roberts come and speak with our ladies group about intimacy with God, our spouses and our friends. She did a great job!! With secular statistics, God's proven word and just "girl talk", I was reminded about the blessing of intimacy in my relationships. I learned quite a few things that I had not thought of before and I was encouraged by her words.

So many people think church can be boring! Oh my,they were not hearing the conversations that I was having last night. Even with the most "private" of conversations,it was nice to feel secure and to have them filtered thru the loving spirts of women within our church.

I even got to start the night bouncing the subject off a sweet friend, Heather, before the meeting. It was almost like God was preparing my heart to deal with things that I was thinking about.

As for the intimacy, I still blush! Yet, I was encouraged that it is not just me :-)