Saturday, January 1, 2011

Goal Setting

I am actually an advocate of the fact that people should ALWAYS set goals for themselves and for their lives. I live by goals daily. I don't always accomplish each goal that I set but I can't imagine how one would strive to accomplish anything without a goal.

Do you travel to a new destination without a map or navigation system? I doubt it. Then how do you think that you could chart your course in life without a plan. Well, to me having goals makes sense!

I do allow myself room to "change directions" or "skip to the next challenge" without condemnation on myself. To me, this was one of the things that I have learned in life that has benefited me to the most. Why beat myself up over something that I failed at or decided not do?

I also find it best to set large goals. I have studied various teachings and read a billion books that actually say that you should only set small goals that lead to large goals. I am just not wired like that. I can manage the "small" on my own but I need the direction for where I am going.

So, I am putting some lofty large goals on my list this year again. They may not materialize in 2011 but as long as the process has began the end date is not always as important, right?

Some of my goals include:

1. Complete the dental work that I have currently been undergoing. Such a large fear exist with this goal but it is already in progess so I will finish it!
2. Loose Weight - DUH This is kinda a staple on almost everyone I know lists.
3. Family - I will work to develop a stronger relationship with my family. A deeper appreciation for who each individual is. I will balance the time of my other activities so that my family time is prioritized.
4. Work- I will work to determine what I want from my job. I tend to love doing it all. I think sometimes though my "diversity" also is my very own enemy. I will never say no to a task asked of me but I need to be more open about where I think my strengths are with myself and others.
5. Vacation - I will actually use my vacation time this year and balance my time so that I am there for the important moments in my kids life. We will also enjoy a mini-vacation and a large vacation this year. We plan on spending a long weekend in Orlando and then Washington in the summer. We will also do something over Thanksgiving vacation time.
6. Budgets/Coupons/Savings- Even though we do not struggle with money like when we were younger and a one income family, it is still apparent that we "waste" tons of money. I want to balance the budget, save what we can, and have more for the future. Plus, I know that we are blessed and I never want to live where I forget that we could have changes in our finances anytime.
7. Really study the bible in 2011. I want to understand the bible in our reading plan at church but I have read the bible many times now. I want a new understanding of the history/timeline of the bible so that I relate more the message it brings as the living word and not a pleasurable book I read.
8. Create something that is mine.
9. Buy our new house!
10. Get a new car for me and Kaleb and START saving for Kagan to get a car. Oh my, did I just say this?

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